Bobenyu (Zol Nokh Zayn Shabes) by Sholom Secunda: mp3 and sheet music
This was probably from a Yiddish operetta but I haven't been able to find out which one. I got a request for it today so I'm posting the song. Here is our mp3 version which you can listen to for free or buy if you like:
Aviva Enoch and I made a video the very first time we did a show together, here it is (with English subtitles so you can see the translation):
The child is sad that the Sabbath is about to end. The rest of the week is dark, difficult, full of worry, only the Sabbath is full of happiness and peace. It ends when three stars can be seen in the sky. The child tells grandmother there are no stars to be seen yet, but she sings the prayer that signifies the end of the holy day of rest.
Click here for the Bobenyu sheet music ($2.50):

OR you can buy a digital download of the book for $6.50 and print it out yourself.
Contents of the whole book:
A bisl libe
A yidishe khasene
Ale brider
Badkhn lid
Bobenyu (Zol nokh zayn shabes)
Di arbuzn (S'iz der step shoyn opgeshorn)
Di ban
Di elter
Don un Donye
Dort baym breg
Epes fun gornisht
Fraytig oyf der nakht
Gris, bagris
Ikh bin a 'border' bay mayn vayb
Ikh hob dikh tsufil lib
Lid fun mayn dor
Lid fun Titanik
Lomir beyde a lidl shpiln
Mayn Rue Platz
Mir Lebn Eybik
Ta-am haman
Vot ken yu makh? S'iz Amerike!
Zing, brider, zing!
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