Yiddish Curiosities: a library of wonderful but forgotten Yiddish songs from the late 1920s and after (includes Polish Jewish Cabaret). Have a listen!

1. Link to list of posts on this site
2. Link to songs for sale
3. Click here for our music videos of Yiddish songs with English subtitles (mainly post-1925)
4. List of the still lost songs. Do you know any of them?
5. Warszawa zumerkurs song links


Friday, June 28, 2013

Belz mayn shtetele Belz - sheet music lyrics and translation

Another Zhelonek song which has survived to this day is Belz, recorded by many bands and soloists. You can find it on youtube, amazon.com, or really - everywhere and anywhere. If you want the sheet music, here it is.

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Blogger Paolo said...

E' una canzone di una intensità rara, cantata da una interprete formidabile

May 30, 2016 at 8:51 AM  

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