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Friday, November 9, 2012

The "found" songs of Itzik Zielonek

1.67: A dudele
4.13: A gute vokh fun der alter heym
3.22: A kale bazingen Peysakh Burstein
3.41: A kidushin-ringele (Dos Keduschin Ringele) music/words anshel schorr. singer J. Weinberg russianrecords.com
2.3: A misteek (A mistake, Amistejk) sung by Yitskhok Feld (Izaac Feld) Kuplet fun Kleiner miljoner
1.55, 6.53: A pastukhl (Dos Pastuchel) Mordechai Hershman
6.33: A puster kholem iz dos gantse lebn (Benzion Witler, from Gentleman Bandit: tune is Skrwawione serce by Fanny Gordon)
4.8: A sakh melokhes un veynik brokhes (Aaron Lebedeff)
5.10: A shayle baym rebn (sung by Max Zalkind) (A shale baim Rebn)
4.34: A vig lid (S'loyfn, S'yogn Shvartse Volkn): Martha Schlamme (S'Loifn S'Yugn Schwartze Wolkns) poem by Hersh Dovid Nomberg
1.56: A volakhl lomir zingen (folk song)
6.49; Af bri (Geshem) many folk variants and arrangements for cantors
2.6: Al kheyt (Al Chet) Di Naye Al Kheyt recorded by Pesach Burstein
4.29: Az der rebbe vil (Herman Fenigshteyn, Abe Ellstein) (Ludwig Satz at the Yiddish Theatre. vol.2)
1.60: Beygelekh (Bublitshki)
6.42: Der balegole (folk song)
3.19: Di galitsianer khasene (Ludwig Satz Classics vol. 3)
4.32: Der lamdn Reb Sender (der alter)
7.15: Der filosof
1.52: Der Rebbe Elimelech
3.32: Der vaser-treger (Moshe Kraus sings Yidish in Yidish)
3.40: Di eybike mame (Lucy German)
6.35: Di libe fun a heylike mame
7.23: Di mashke (folksong)
5.13: Di meydlekh fun amol
1.57: Di mezinke oysgegebn
7.30: Di yidish troyke (Yidishe toyke)
6.12: Dos fishele (Jacob Hass words are quite different - original by Uberkantor Shimon Hornstein)
1.65: Dos ganevl (Der yold iz mikh mekane)
6.51: Dos kind ligt in vigl (Pierre Pinchik, also in Beregovski)
7.27: Dos talisl (Dus talesl)
5.3: Dos yidishe fidele Sam Goldberg. I have it Nehmt der yid sein fiedele, lyrics by Prisament, Henri Gerro vocalist
3.28: Dos Yidishe lid have notes from LOC. Notated from Koussevitsky. Zhelonek cites Picon
1.44: Gevald, vu nemt men koyln? tune is Beygelakh
6.37: Goodbye New York (Gud-bay Nyu York) (Bursteyn's gasn zinger show)
5.11: Hamavdil (Zhelonek cites Herman Fenigstein)
5.11: Hatikvah
3.46: Ikh for aheym Herman Fenigstein
4.5: Ikh hob es nisht (Ikh dank dir Got az ikh hob es nisht) he cites Yitskhok Feld - I have Dave Cash
2.3: Ikh vil zikh shpiln Nellie Casman
3.12: In Odes, in Odes (performed by Burstein, I have Lebedeff)
1.54 and 2.8: Kaddish (R. Loy Yitskhok Berditshever) aka Din-Toyre mit Got
1.58: Katarina (Nekhama Lifschitz - sheet music at Library of Congress Judaica Division)
6.6: Khsidimlekh zingen (Ben Bonus)
1.15: Kolombus ikh hob tsu dir gornisht (sheet music)
2.9: Lebedik Yankl (Aaron Lebedeff)
3.14: Lebedik, freylekh
3.35: Leybke fort keyn Amerike aka Leibke in Rusland: Pinkhus Levander, J. Weinberg, russianrecords.com
1.12 and 7.12: Lo lanu
1.53 and 2.28: Margaritkelekh: folk song
1.67: Mayerke mayn zun (Written by Berditchever)
5.7: Mayn shtetele Belz
2.4: Mayn vayb kumt fun Zakopaneto (tune Yoshke fort avek)
6.14: Mayn yidishe mame
1.37: Men leygt arayn un men nemt nisht aroys (tune is "Men leygt nisht arayn")
3.30: Menashe
1.25: Mendele (Tune a brivele der kale)
1.68: Mikitka (Mordechai Hershman recording)
5.9: Milkhike un fleyshike yidn (by Max Kotlowitz) Mordechai Hershman
4.22: Moniek Pshepiorko
1.56 and 2.8: Nokhumke mayn zun parody of Meyerke mayn zun
6.26: On a heym Benzion Witler
5.14: Oy Avreml (Pinchus Sapir - originally Nellie Casman) by Adolf King
4.35: Oy oy di libe (Have sheet music)
4.10: Oy vey mamele siz geven a dramale (Aaron Lebedeff)
1.29 and 7.17: Oy vey, m'shoklt zikh (Nellie Casman) (Men shokelt sich). From Rumshinsky show Masel Tov
5.14: Oy vi es tyokhket (sung by betty kenig)
3.17: Oy, mame, shlog mikh nisht (Nekhama Lifshitz)
2.4: Oyf a maskn bal (folk tune: In vildn vald aleyn)
1.18: Oysgeshpilt (Nellie Casman)
6.45: Reyzele
6.22: Rivkele (Rebeka)
4.18: Samet un zayd (have sheet music)
7.3: Shabos nokhn kugl
6.5: Slutsk mayn shtetl
3.44: Soni-boi (tune is Sonny Boy)
5.11: Tankhum
5.12: Teyku (Moshe Koussevitsky)
1.42: Vaser (to tune tango Wanda)
1.33 and 7.20: Vu zaynen mayne zibn gute yor? (Nellie Casman)
1.32: Yosl, Yosl (Nellie Casman)
1.14: Yoyne Zetz
6.38: Zi hot es (from orchestra parts, from Bursteyn's Gasn Zinger show


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